Jean Kent

Jean Kent has published five full-length poetry collections. She is a co-editor of This Gift, This Poem.


Jean Kent has published five full-length poetry collections. Her most recent books areĀ The Hour of Silvered Mullet (Pitt Street Poetry, 2015) and Paris in my Pocket (PSP, 2016), a selection of her poems from an Australia Council residency in Paris. She has won numerous awards, including the Anne Elder Prize, Dame Mary Gilmore Award, Josephine Ulrick Prize, and runner-up for the Newcastle Prize. Jean has also worked as an educational psychologist, counsellor in TAFE colleges and teacher of creative writing. With Kit Kelen, she edited A Slow Combusting Hymn: Poetry from and about Newcastle and the Hunter Region. She is a co-editor of the anthology This Gift, This Poem, which will be launched at the festival. Jean lives at Lake Macquarie.

Jean Kent

Festival Events


DATE April 2 TIME 1:30 pm WHEREWatt Space Gallery Free


DATE April 3 TIME 1:30 pm WHEREWatt Space Gallery Free


The Hour of Silvered Mullet

This Gift, This Poem

Paris in my Pocket