Spineless Wonders and Newcastle Writers Festival are delighted to announce the names of the finalists in the 2021 NWF/joanne burns Microlit Award selected by Professor Cassandra Atherton. We warmly thank all entrants to…

Spineless Wonders and Newcastle Writers Festival are delighted to announce the names of the finalists in the 2021 NWF/joanne burns Microlit Award selected by Professor Cassandra Atherton. We warmly thank all entrants to this annual award. Congratulations to following finalists:
Adria Castellucci |Anne Booty |Art O’Brien |Beth Spencer |Brenda Proudfoot | Cheryl Rogers | Danielle Baldock | Deborah Van Heekeren | Dorothy Simmons | Hannah Cockroft |Hilary Hewitt |Jan Dean | Jane Hall | Jane O’Sullivan | Jenni Nixon | Jude Bridge | Kate Middleton | Maddie Godfrey | Marjorie Lewis-Jones | Mark O’Flynn | Michael Brown | Moya Costello | P S Cottier |Rosanna Licari | Ruth Horsfall | Sam Andrews | Sam Elkin |Sandra Renew | Seetha Nambiar Dodd | Sky Carrall | Stuart Barnes | Susan McCreery | Suzanne Frankham
The finalists are in the running for cash prizes in either the national or Hunter Region categories and they are each offered publication in the forthcoming anthology of microlit, Pulped Fiction. The anthology will also include the following invited authors:
joanne burns | Shady Cosgrove | Nick Couldwell |Erin Gough | Tess Pearson | K A Rees | Tom Simpson | Ali Jane Smith | Jo Taylor | Anne Vickery | Jen Webb | Richard Holt
Details of the award ceremony and launch of Pulped Fiction will be announced in January.