Special Book Week Program for Primary Students
The Newcastle Writers Festival is thrilled to be presenting its first live Schools Program in four years. We can’t wait to welcome primary students back in August! Special guests include…

The Newcastle Writers Festival is thrilled to be presenting its first live Schools Program in four years. We can’t wait to welcome primary students back in August!
Special guests include Sara Acton, Sofie Laguna, Jared Thomas, Guy Edmonds and Matt Zeremes.
The program will be held at Newcastle City Hall and surrounding venues and is part of this year’s Book Week celebrations. The program draws on the theme, ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. In the popular presentations, writers and illustrators will perform from their work, talk about their craft, and take questions from students. The series of workshops offer a more intensive and individual learning experience for Stage 2 and 3 students.
The program will be available from 15 June and tickets go on sale at 9.00am on Tuesday 25 July, 2023
Stay tuned for more details.
Thank you to our sponsors: Federal Government RISE Fund, Catfish Foundation, Port Waratah Coal Services, Newcastle Libraries and Newcastle Museum.