

Newcastle Writers Festival is committed to removing barriers to participation for artists and audiences. We welcome your feedback.



Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Newcastle Writers Festival recognises that disability encompasses a vast range of experiences, and our inaugural Disability Inclusion Action Plan is a strategic roadmap that outlines specific actions and measures to enhance accessibility and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. It serves as a guiding framework to identify, address, and eliminate barriers that may hinder participation and enjoyment of our events and activities.

  • Listen to the 2025 program

    Listen to the 2025 Program

    To help make our 2025 program more accessible, ABC Newcastle’s Dan Cox has recorded a reading of the program. It is a condensed version and is divided into three daily segments to make it easier for those who aren’t attending across all three days.

    You can listen via your preferred podcast app such as Spotify, or else the following links:

    Click here for Wed 2 April to Fri 4 April

    Click here for Sat 5 April

    Click here for Sun 6 April

  • Tickets and accessible seating

    Accessible Seating Requests

    Civic Playhouse, Newcastle City Hall Concert Hall and the Conservatorium of Music have allocated seating. If you require seating in a specific area (aisle, front row) please select your seats with this in mind. Wheelchair seating is marked on the seating plans.

    If attending free events, please speak to the festival volunteers at the venue when you arrive and they can guide you to a reserved seat. We advise you to arrive at least 15 minutes before the event starts. Assistance dogs are welcome.

    Companion Card holders qualify for a complimentary ticket for their companion. Companion Cards will need to be presented on the day of the event.

    In 2025, ticketing for events held in City of Newcastle venues Civic Playhouse and Newcastle City Hall Concert Hall will be managed by Civic Theatre ticketing. All other events can be booked via Trybooking.

    If you need to speak to someone about your seat for an event in a City of Newcastle venue, contact (02) 4929 1977 or civicticketoffice@ncc.nsw.gov.au

    Prior to the Festival you can visit the ticket counter in the Civic Theatre Cafe, 375 Hunter Street Newcastle.

    For enquiries about all other festival ticketing please email ticketing@newcastlewritersfestival.org.au

    During the festival weekend, the festival box office will be located at the main festival hub in foyer of the University of Newcastle’s NUspace building on the corner of Auckland and Hunter Street.

  • Auslan interpreters

    We have Auslan interpreters available by request.

    To request an interpreter please contact us no later than 17 March by emailing  access@newcastlewritersfestival.org.au

    You are also welcome to bring your own interpreter at no additional cost. Please email us to let us know so we ensure appropriate logistics are in place.

  • Accessible parking and transport

    Accessible Parking spaces can be found at the following locations:

    Cnr King Street and Burwood Street (near Newcastle City Council).

    End of Burwood Street towards Newcastle Court.

    Auckland Street (between Hunter Street and King Street).

    Spaces are also provided in the carpark behind Newcastle Library accessed via Queen Street.

    A guide to Newcastle City Accessible Parking, including a map of parking spaces, can be found here.

    There are also accessible public transport options in Newcastle, including light rail. Further information regarding accessible public transport can be found here.

  • Wheelchair access

    Newcastle City Hall

    Accessible entry to Newcastle City Hall is from the eastern entry via Wheeler Place (between City Hall and the Crystalbrook Kingsley hotel). This is the closest entry to the lift, which will take you to upper levels for our events.

    There is a unisex accessible toilet facility (right hand transfer) located on Level 1.  From the elevator turn left and then sharp left again, walk along the corridor approximately 15m and the door is on the right.

    Accessibility information for City Hall can be found here.

    Conservatorium of Music Harold Lobb Concert Hall
    The entire venue is wheelchair accessible. The Harold Lobb Concert Hall can be accessed via a ramp to the left once you enter the foyer. There are a limited number of wheelchair spaces and these can be booked online via Trybooking. More seats are accessible with a single step for those with limited mobility. There is also an accessible toilet in the venue.

    The Press Book House
    This venue is at ground level, however it has a standard-width door and two single steps on entry.

    University of Newcastle NUspace

    Events held in NUspace are accessible by lift. When you enter NUspace from Hunter Street, the lifts are towards the back of the building to your right, past the escalators and toilets. Please speak to the festival volunteers in the foyer if you need assistance.

    Civic Playhouse

    When you enter Civic Playhouse from Hunter Street, there is a lift up to the foyer and accessible toilets are also located  on this level.

    Watt Space Gallery

    Watt Space Gallery is fully accessible with ramp access and reserved parking.

    Customs House

    This heritage building does not have a lift and the trivia event will be held upstairs. We apologise for the inconvenience.

  • Assistance for people who are vision impaired

    Assistance dogs are welcome at all festival events and venues.

    Volunteers will be on hand and can help if needed. Please contact us via email at access@newcastlewritersfestival.org.au should you wish to arrange any assistance or have any queries.

  • Hearing loop sessions

    The festival’s opening night event, which will be held in Newcastle City Hall Concert Hall on Friday, 4 April, will have an induction hearing loop system available. Please note this event is in City Hall, not the Conservatorium of Music concert hall.

  • Audio and video recordings

    After the festival, some events will be made available as podcasts and/or videos with captioning. Monitor our website and also subscribe to our YouTube channel and Spotify feed for alerts.

More information and assistance

If you would like assistance to attend the festival, please email us at access@newcastlewritersfestival.org.au

If you would like to include your phone number, our accessibility coordinator can call you or respond via text message to discuss your needs at a time that is convenient to you. We will have volunteers at all venues to provide assistance. If you have any other queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.