
Cassie Gilmartin

Cassie Gilmartin has 20 years experience writing and editing family history, including eight years as the publisher and editor of Inside History. She is co-author of The Family History Book.


Cassie Gilmartin

Cassie Gilmartin has 20 years experience writing and editing family history, including eight years as the publisher and editor of the award-winning magazine, Inside History. She is the co-author of The Family History Book: How To Trace Your Ancestors in Australia (UNSW Press, 2024), and the co-host and producer of the Portrait Detective podcast in collaboration with the State Library of New South Wales.

Cassie’s fascination with family history started when her mum told her she was descended from an Irish highwayman and the madam of a brothel, of the Lower Sort. She’s been enthralled with the archives and stories of people’s family histories ever since.

In 2024, Cassie and Shaun launched their brand We Are So Into History.

Festival Events

Uncovering Your Family History

DATE April 5 TIME 11:30 am WHEREUniversity of Newcastle NUspace X320 Book now


The Family History Book