A woman with straight brown hair and a blue top looks at the camera and smiles, with the beach behind her

Joanna Atherfold Finn

Joanna Atherfold Finn is a Port Stephens-based author/editor and wild-caught seafood business partner. Her most recent book is Plastic Free published by NewSouth Publishing.


Joanna Atherfold Finn

Joanna Atherfold Finn is a Port Stephens-based author and editor. She has a PhD in creative writing from the University of Newcastle. Her current writing is informed by her experiences as a partner in the wild-caught seafood industry, particularly environmental impacts including habitat degradation of marine environments and the toxic stakeholder relationships she observes in that industry. She is the author of Watermark published by Simon & Schuster and Plastic Free: The Inspiring Story of a Global Environmental Movement and Why it Matters published by NewSouth Publishing.

Festival Events

Reading the Waters

DATE April 3 TIME 5:30 pm WHEREPort Stephens Artisan Collective Book now


Plastic Free