A woman with long brown hair wearing a head microphone is tilted side-on, talking to somebody

Michaela Kalowski

Michaela is an interviewer, moderator and curator for writers/ideas festivals. She’s curator of ABC RN’s Big Weekend of Books and co-presenter and co-writer of the podcast Laya’s Way Home.


Michaela Kalowski

Michaela is an interviewer, moderator & curator for writers/ideas festivals. She’s curator of ABC RN’s Big Weekend of Books. She’s co-presenter & co-writer of a two-part podcast for ABC RN, tracing part of her family’s history, called Laya’s Way Home.

Festival Events

Theory & Practice: Michelle de Kretser in Conversation

DATE April 5 TIME 1:00 pm WHERECivic Playhouse Book now

Setting the Record Straight: Mark Dapin in Conversation

DATE April 6 TIME 2:30 pm WHEREUniversity of Newcastle NUspace X321 Book now

Dusk: Robbie Arnott in Conversation

DATE April 5 TIME 4:30 pm WHEREUniversity of Newcastle NUspace X321 Book now