Bastian Fox Phelan

Bastian Fox Phelan is a writer, musician and zinemaker. They have completed a literary memoir about female facial hair.


Bastian Fox Phelan is a writer, musician and zinemaker. They live in Newcastle (Mulubinba) on the land of the Awabakal people. Bastian’s literary memoir about female facial hair, How to Be Between, will be published by Giramondo in May. Their zines include cult classic Ladybeard and How to Be Alone. Their writing has been published in The Lifted Brow, Runway, Scum Magazine and Tincture Journal. Bastian was shortlisted for the 2017 Scribe Nonfiction Prize. In 2018 Bastian worked with Museum of Contemporary Art Australia and National Young Writers’ Festival to deliver their popular Zine Fair events. Bastian is part of dream pop duo Moonsign.

Bastian Fox Phelan

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