
Carolyn Rickett

Carolyn Rickett is the Dean of Learning and Teaching at Avondale University College and the coordinator for The New Leaves writing project. She has co-edited several poetry anthologies.


Carolyn Rickett is the Dean of Learning and Teaching, senior lecturer, researcher, and creative arts practitioner at Avondale University. Utilising her background in arts, medical humanities, and healthcare chaplaincy, she currently teaches undergraduate students and supervises postgraduate students in the fields of communication, creative writing, education, nursing, and chaplaincy. She is the coordinator for The New Leaves writing project, and has co-edited several poetry anthologies with Judith Beveridge, Jean Kent, and David Musgrave. Her passion for poetry along with her experiences working in palliative care and hospital contexts are the inspiration for the anthology This Gift, This Poem.

Carolyn Rickett

Festival Events


DATE April 3 TIME 1:30 pm WHEREWatt Space Gallery Free


This Gift, This Poem