
Paul Gordon

Paul Gordon is a Ngemba man who was born in Brewarrina. As a child he spent a lot of time in rural fencing camps in western NSW and south-western Queensland…


Paul Gordon is a Ngemba man who was born in Brewarrina. As a child he spent a lot of time in rural fencing camps in western NSW and south-western Queensland until at the age of 19 he moved to Newcastle to be a bricklayer. During this time, he also worked with Aboriginal community and was involved in the creation of several Aboriginal organisations in the region.

In 1983 he returned to Brewarrina as the North Western Region Aboriginal Site Officer where he spent a lot of time with old men doing cultural activities. These activities were the beginning of the reconnection of the coastal lore me and the western lore men of NSW. His passion is to keep traditional Aboriginal ceremony alive. He sees it as an important part of the wellbeing of Aboriginal people today. In more recent times, Paul was CEO of an Aboriginal training organisation where his leadership model included the incorporation of cultural values into mainstream business practices.

He currently delivers workshops on Aboriginal culture and building relationships with individuals and community to enhance engagement as part of reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Paul is happy to share ceremony with all people. Paul is currently undertaking a PhD with the University of New England.

Paul Gordon

Festival Events

The Dreaming Path

DATE April 2 TIME 2:30 pm Free