A young white woman with long light brown hair sits with her hands in her lap on a bench and smiles

Family Fun: Food Wise with Lucy Bell





April 7
11:40 am - 12:20 pm


University of Newcastle NUspace X401
Level 4
Cnr Hunter & Auckland St
Newcastle NSW 2300


$gold coin donation
+ Transaction fee

Family Fun: Food Wise with Lucy Bell

Did you know that each year, Australians throw away enough food to fill almost 17,000 jumbo jets? Foodwise takes you on a journey to discover food in new and exciting ways – all while saving the planet! Join author Lucy Bell to learn simple ways you can be a food-waste warrior, become a whiz in the kitchen and try out some fun ways to experience food with interactive activities. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference. MC Karen Eastwood.

This is a gold coin donation event; no bookings required.


The Speakers

A young white woman with long light brown hair sits with her hands in her lap on a bench and smiles

Lucy Bell

Did you know that each year, Australians throw away enough food to fill almost 17,000 jumbo jets? Foodwise takes you on a journey to discover food in new and exciting…

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A smiling white woman with curly brown hair and a blue top with a flower on it

Karen Eastwood

Did you know that each year, Australians throw away enough food to fill almost 17,000 jumbo jets? Foodwise takes you on a journey to discover food in new and exciting…

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