
Beyond the Stars: Imagining Outer Space





April 5
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


University of Newcastle NUspace X301
Level 3
Cnr Hunter & Auckland St
Newcastle NSW 2300




Beyond the Stars: Imagining Outer Space

At the heart of recent works by Larry Buttrose and David Dyer is a deep and irrevocable respect for that which we don’t fully understand. Whether reimagining the 1969 space landing or speculating about post-colonisation life on Mars, each author has drawn on research and creative license to blend what we know about space and the stars, with what remains a mystery. They speak with Katharine Pollock about outer-space imaginings.

This event is free; no bookings required.

The Speakers

David Dyer

At the heart of recent works by Larry Buttrose and David Dyer is a deep and irrevocable respect for that which we don’t fully understand. Whether reimagining the 1969 space…

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Larry Buttrose

At the heart of recent works by Larry Buttrose and David Dyer is a deep and irrevocable respect for that which we don’t fully understand. Whether reimagining the 1969 space…

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Katharine Pollock

At the heart of recent works by Larry Buttrose and David Dyer is a deep and irrevocable respect for that which we don’t fully understand. Whether reimagining the 1969 space…

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