Millennial Panic




April 2
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Millennial Panic

Exploring the messy and often confusing space between adolescence and adulthood.

With Lech Blaine, Brandon Jack, and Jessie Stephens.

Hosted by Dan Cox.

The Speakers

Lech Blaine

Exploring the messy and often confusing space between adolescence and adulthood. With Lech Blaine, Brandon Jack, and Jessie Stephens. Hosted by Dan Cox.

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Brandon Jack

Exploring the messy and often confusing space between adolescence and adulthood. With Lech Blaine, Brandon Jack, and Jessie Stephens. Hosted by Dan Cox.

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Jessie Stephens

Exploring the messy and often confusing space between adolescence and adulthood. With Lech Blaine, Brandon Jack, and Jessie Stephens. Hosted by Dan Cox.

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Dan Cox

Exploring the messy and often confusing space between adolescence and adulthood. With Lech Blaine, Brandon Jack, and Jessie Stephens. Hosted by Dan Cox.

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Car Crash: A Memoir


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