Waterfront poetry salon

Join us on 5 October for an afternoon of poetry readings by the harbour featuring a lineup of nationally recognised poets as part of City of Newcastle’s New Annual festival….

18 Sep 2024

Join us on 5 October for an afternoon of poetry readings by the harbour featuring a lineup of nationally recognised poets as part of City of Newcastle’s New Annual festival.

Guest artists include 2023 Australian Poetry Slam champion and Gomeroi man Rob Waters, 2019 Prime Minister’s Literary Award nominee Keri Glastonbury, widely anthologised Chinese-Wiradjuri poet living with disability Kerri Shying, social justice and human rights activist and co-founder of Grandmothers Against Removal NSW Aunty Debbie Swan, artist, writer and PhD candidate Therese Keogh, as well as writer, editor and digital media artist Rory Green. Newcastle Writers Festival director Rosemarie Milsom is hosting the event.

The salon is being presented in partnership with Newcastle Art Gallery and is inspired by MEGAN COPE: Ngumpi Kinyingarra Oyster House, a celebration of art, culture, and oysters at Honeysuckle Marina.

The salon starts at 3.30pm and is free. Register your interest.

author: admin@nwf